Good Tennis: Let's Talk About Challengers What does Challengers have to do with the 2014 anime classic Ping Pong: The Animation?
Battle of the Bands: The Girls Band Cry Phenomenon Girls Band Cry and its predecessors ask the question: how do you convey your passion, anguish and alienation to others without scaring them away?
X-Men '97 and the Superhero Soap Opera Another woman stumbles over the threshold. Everybody yells: “Jean?!” It was at that moment that I realized X-Men ‘97 was a superhero soap opera.
I Was a Teenage Monkey: The Darwin Incident The Darwin Incident is a big, brash suspense thriller that takes on some of the most fraught issues of our time. Is that enough?
A Doctor is Not God: The Great White Tower In which we investigate a classic 2003 Japanese television drama, and learn about hubris.
Where Does the Doomsday Train Go? You don’t need to be incredible to keep the audience tuning in every week. You don’t even need an original idea. All you need is for the audience to ask: what will happen next? Where does the doomsday train go?