Long Live the Ancestors!: Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai What distinguishes Banbanzai is that despite its degree of difficulty, despite its many counterintuitive or even abrasive creative choices, the staff made it anyway.
A Life in Search of Crickets: Reading Last Chance to Find Duke A scientist looks for the Duke cricket in Last Chance to Find Duke, a comic about rare insects, lost dreams and the last resort of the passionate.
Small Press Expo 2023 Dispatch This week, a report from local Maryland comics convention Small Press Expo.
The Magic of My Happy Marriage This summer sleeper hit is an old-fashioned romance--but is there more to it than that? Should there be?
Pouring Rain, Horny Teens: Typhoon Club Lust, confusion, the death drive, adolescence. That’s what Typhoon Club is all about.
The Skyfall Effect: Vinland Saga's "River" Could it be that Vinland Saga's second opening credits sequence is a big homage to the opening credits of Skyfall? Yes. Yes it is.
Whatever Happened to Astro Boy 2003? If Astro Boy 2003 is so good, and was pitched from the beginning as a work of cross-cultural exchange, why doesn’t anybody in the English-speaking fandom ever talk about it?