Welcome to ANIWIRE

Welcome to ANIWIRE, an anime newsletter.
You might be asking, well, what is this? First off it's a means of writing about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury as it airs. I wrote about 15 episodes of the series over at Slash Film, and now that site and I have parted ways I figure it's time to return. Four episodes have passed since then, so I'll be tackling episode 19 of the series first. I think it will be more fun to write about recent events rather than doubling back to earlier episodes, even if it leaves a hole in my coverage. Thankfully there are many other folks who can fill the gap: I recommend keeping up with @Thaliarchus on Twitter, or subscribing to Giant Robot FM's Patreon for their Radio Free Mercury podcast series.
Who am I? Well, you can look at my portfolio here. I've been writing about anime and manga online for the past several years, first on a blog with some friends and then for Crunchyroll News. Following that I wrote pieces for Slash Film for a year and a quarter. I've been published on places like Anime News Network, Anime Feminist and Anime Herald. You can also find me on Cohost as well as on the podcast Double AA with my friend Alex Lupp. I'm trying out a newsletter rather than returning to the old blog because I like the idea of keeping the blog in my pocket for the really indulgent posts nobody else will read. This newsletter will be for the less indulgent stuff, and at the very least for weekly writing practice.
Will there be articles requiring paid subscriptions here? Anime blogging started out as something driven by the free labor of fans and I intend to honor that. That said, I could also really use grocery money. I have some ideas for fun, "indulgent" articles to pursue if folks demonstrate interest. Weekly episodic reviews, though, will remain free in perpetuity. Once The Witch From Mercury ends, I'll either pick something from the next airing season to replace it with, or go back in time if nothing seems particularly interesting. It'll be fun!